Friday, 2 December 2016


This blogpost referst to quantitative and qualitative reserch as the main topics of this week's tutorial. This is important for each group to understand as we all need to base our campigns primarly on the reserch.  Four main types od the reserach has been presented - Exploratory, Testing, Evaluative and Answering specific questions. This is essential as it gives the idea of what might be good to use for the projects, however does not specifically forces us to do so. 

With our tutor we deeply discussed the differences of quantative and qualitative research. I consider it crucial to understand what reserch type will help to create successful campaign and so meet the client's objective. Thanks to this, our group can focus on the qualitative research as we have understood that this is what fits our project. We have realised, that one of our client's objective is to 'explore new teritory', but what does it actually mean? The Gone for Good aims to get in touch with as many estate agents as possible. Because our client is currently working with some of them, its our task to get in contact with those which might be able to help promote the business.

